The Centre of Bright Beginnings

Perth and Online

Supporting your matrescence journey

Pelvic Health - Pregnancy - Postpartum - Parenting


 Maternal Wisdom for Bright Beginnings

Our Approach to Your Care

  • Just as teenagers become adults through the passage of adolescence, women become mothers through the transition of matrescence.

    This is a life-altering and irreversible transition on all levels of existence: physical, hormonal, emotional, social, cultural, economic, spiritual.

    At The Centre of Bright Beginnings, we believe that parents are at the centre of a societal revolution. Matrescence expands beyond a mother:

    • It is just as relevant if you identify as a prospective parent transition from Adult to Parent

    • It affects all families, extending into their communities.

    So when a mother or a new parent rises, she uplifts her family and her community. This is how we create conscious change.

    Matrescence is the focus of all our offerings. You may be particularly interested in Matrescence Coaching.

  • Numerous research studies have revealed improved outcomes for mothers, babies, parents and children on all levels when they receive continuity of care during matrescence.

    • The health system in Australia, and in many other countries around the world, does not provide continuity of care.

    • We seek to fill this gap by providing you with care all the way from pre-conception, through pregnancy, birth, postpartum and into parenting.

    • We do this through our 5 Koshas Model of Care which incorporates Yoga, Bowen Therapy and Matrescence Coaching.

  • Your unique matrescence journey is influenced by so many things.

    • External influences can include: social & cultural background, financial situation, family upbringing, religious or spiritual beliefs, proprioception…

    • Internal influences can include: physical health, emotional state, energy levels, mental health, interoception, connection to intuition, connection to the Self…

    We approach every conception journey, every pregnancy and every postpartum journey as unique. And we celebrate this.

    All our offerings are designed so that we can tailor them to meet your needs, as you are right now. We celebrate your diversity and seek to honour it.

    You may be particularly interseted in a private yoga class or movement education session.

  • Our bodies are designed to follow a natural ebb and flow throughout the month and across the seasons and the years.

    The linear approach and stressors of modern society can cause depletion, as we constantly operate from a place of doing and giving.

    Ancient wisdom traditions such as the vedic sciences (of which yoga is a part) were attuned to natural rhythms. Our offerings follow the lunar and solar cycles (lunisolar) to foster a balance between doing and being and between giving and receiving. 

    We call our practices for attuning to biorhythms Lunar Yoga.

The Conscious Parenting Pathway

Pelvic Health

Preconception and Postpartum Recovery



Healthy Pregnancy and Birth Preparation

postpartum postnatal


Healthy, Happy Parents = Best Start for Bub

Parent Parenting Family


Empowered Matrescence

Your pathway is cyclical, not linear. You may enter it at any stage.

You will find that you flow through the stages in a spiral-like manner: revisiting each as you move deeper along your matrescence journey.

The ongoing journey of matrescence might mean that you go on to have more children, or it might mean that you ‘birth’ or uncover deeper, fuller versions of yourself as you continue your exploration of what it means to be a mother or parent.

We have personalised packages to support you on this journey through Bowen Therapy, Matrescence Coaching and Yoga.

The end of every cycle brings

…a New Beginning

May yours be BRIGHT!

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Yoga Classes & Programs

Lunar Yoga for Pelvic Health and Fertility or Menstrual Cycle

Fertile Mind, Fertile Body

Move with and honour your natural cycles.

Prenatal Yoga for Pregnancy Perinatal Birth Preparation Birthing and Parenting

For a Peaceful Pregnancy

Supportive and nurturing yoga for the prenatal period.

Postnatal Yoga for Parents and Bubs, Mums and Bubs, Postpartum



and Bubs

Strengthen and restore whilst connecting with baby.

Family Yoga, Kids, Children, Fun

Sharing is Caring

Yoga is so much fun when done together!

Support your Journey

You don’t have to parent alone.

Private Yoga Class, individual, tailored, safe, supportive

Your Needs Met

Whatever your story, tailored to you.

Yoga is not a one-size-fits-all discipline. I draw inspiration from the teachings of Viniyoga founder T.K.V. Desikachar, whose clear message was that yoga should be tailored to suit each individual. Considerations include life stage, background, constitution and underlying health conditions.

The benefits of a Private Class far outweigh attendance at a group class, as you learn yoga practices and techniques most suited to you and your unique needs and lifestyle. Private Classes are available across all focus areas at The Centre of Bright Beginnings.

All offerings are available in-studio, online or can be arranged in a setting of your choice, including in-home.

Yoga Workshops & Retreats

We have over 10 years of experience in group facilitation and love nothing more than making your event meaningful and memorable. We have an extensive selection of workshop/retreat themes available including, but not limited to:

… the possibilities are endless and can be tailored to suit your needs (contact us to discuss your requirements). All programs can be run in-person or online.

Don’t forget to check our events page for upcoming workshops and retreats open to the public, both in Scarborough, Perth and online.

Yoga Studio for Classes, Programs, Workshops and Retreats
Yoga = Union
— From the sanskrit root 'yuj'
To achieve union, we must embrace all aspects
— Claire Holloway

Yoga for Bright Beginnings

Nurturing the energies of creation & parenthood

An Inclusive Practice

Yoga is so much more than a movement practice. It is multifaceted and, at its essence, is a state of being. You do not need to be flexible, fit or free from health conditions or impairments to practise yoga.

Yoga originated in Northern India over 5,000 years ago and has evolved through many and varied lineages of wisdom teaching. It developed alongside, and has shared influences with religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, but is a secular practice. This means that it can be practiced by, and is inclusive of, people of all faiths and beliefs.

The Centre of Bright Beginnings seeks to provide yoga experiences that are inclusive of all abilities and identifications. We are constantly working towards decolonising the yoga that is shared. All classes are taught with a trauma-informed approachn with gender expansive language and entry options are tailored to mitigate privilege.

For this reason, we invite BIPOC, LGBTIQ+ and people who identify as marginalised in some way to attend our classes and workshops at a subsidised rate (learn more here).

You can learn more about what yoga is here and more about our facilitation style and philosophy here.

LGBQTI+ gay pride equality social justice

Giving Back

ngungwulah, indigenous wellness, aboriginal wellness, indigenous, aboriginal, first nations, equality, yoga, social justice

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of Mooro country, the Wadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation and seek to empower indigenous Australians to benefit from and lead wellness practices of their choosing.

5% of profits to Ngungwulah Aboriginal Corporation

We honour the South Asian roots of yoga and seek to support the development of a respectful, inclusive and diverse yoga culture.

5% of profits to Ignite Future of Yoga Fund

Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute

You can learn more about The Centre of Bright Beginnings Yoga and reciprocity here.

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A Welcoming Space in Perth

Close to Nature

Just 8 minutes up the road from Brighton Beach, with parklands around the corner, The Centre for Bright Beginnings sits at the heart of Scarborough, a beautiful beachside suburb of Perth.

Small Classes

We are a small, family-run home business and are proud of our small space, as it ensures all classes and programs maintain an intimate atmosphere where each individual’s needs can be supported.

Quality Equipment

Carefully selected, ethical yoga props are provided to facilitate an accessible yoga practice. This includes: mats, chairs, blocks, bolsters, eye pillows and straps.


Claire’s explanation of the poses is fantastic and she has a great way of catering for people’s needs. She offers differing levels of each pose so that everyone can work to their full potential. I highly recommend Claire’s classes, each class was different and vibrant.
— Sharon, group class and private student
I definitely recommend for any and all stages of pregnancy, as Claire is so accommodating for your various ability levels, size of belly and any pregnancy related issues you suffer from.

The classes gave me some much-needed time to relax and focus on my body, mind and baby. A lovely atmosphere and a wonderful instructor.
— Lauren, Prenatal Yoga & Postnatal Yoga student

You can read more student feedback here.


Sharing Yoga

Hi, I’m Claire Holloway - Owner and Yoga Facilitator at The Centre of Bright Beginnings in Scarborough, Perth.

Many people come to find yoga seeking to prepare for a new stage of life or transform their health and well-being. For many, this is at the beginning of their journey into matrescence.

The cyclical nature of life and living is a prevalent theme running through the classes I share. You can learn more about my style, philosophy and yoga influences here.

I have been drawn to share yoga as a result of the transformative New Beginnings I have experienced in my own life through the practice. You can read more about my yoga journey here.


Yoga Australia, Registered Yoga Teacher

I carefully select my training and CPD to ensure my work is evidence-informed, whilst coming from a place of embodied experience and respect for the yoga tradition.

  • 350hr Certified Yoga Teacher Training and ongoing Professional Development

  • Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training and ongoing Professional Development

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher

  • Yoga Australia Registered Teacher

  • Member of Pelvic Health Professionals

  • Committed to ongoing Social Justice study, education and activism

Pelvic Health Professionals, Pelvic Health, Women's Health, Yoga for Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor